When Toowoomba Property Investors go hunting for the highest possible capital growth and the strongest rental yield for their next Toowoomba real estate purchase, they probably won’t go looking specifically for a pair of detached houses in similar condition right next door to each to other which both require the exact same maintenance program that will also experience the exact same capital growth and rental yields.

But in a special twist, that’s exactly what a Duplex is, except those 2 ‘Detached Houses’ are in fact 2 Attached Units.

Right now, people are asking Top Toowoomba Real Estate Jacqui Walker these questions about Duplex properties in Toowoomba:

1) What is a Duplex?

A Duplex is a residential property made up of 2 Units which share one common central wall.

2) Is a Duplex on one title?

A pair of Units known as a Duplex either exists on one land title owned by one entity or person – or the 2 Units in a Duplex may be separately titled and individually owned. The latter is known as a strata-title half-Duplex Unit.

3) Who pays for Building Insurance on a Duplex?

For a Duplex on one land title held by one owner, the insurance will be taken out by that sole owner of that whole building.  Where 2 Owners hold half-of-the-Duplex property each, they’ll generally share the cost of the Building Insurance.

4) Does a Duplex with 2 Owners need a Body Corporate?

A Body Corporate is not usually needed for 2 Owners of 2 Units in a Duplex property. A small group of 2 Owners can usually agree to share the cost of building insurance, basic external maintenance and lawnmowing without appointing a Body Corporate.

Next, tap here to see these Duplex properties for sale and sold in Toowoomba by top Toowoomba property selling Agent Jacqui Walker.